United Kingdom: Momentum builds for 20 mph speed limit
on Jun 30, 2012
(The Guardian 15.5.2012) Could a default 20 mph (30 km/h) speed limit in the villages, towns and cities be as widely accepted as the smoking ban in pubs? English campaigners from the 20’s Plenty For Us movement say 8 million people now live in areas which are committed to adopting the limit for residential roads. The campaigners say evidence from Portsmouth and elsewhere shows strong public support for 20 mph limits, with up to 80% of residents backing the change.
The most significant recruit to the cause may turn out to be Liverpool, where the local NHS trust will stump up £665,000 over four years to implement and study an extension of the city’s 20mph limits to a majority of streets.
The Guardian 15.5.2012, posted by John.M.Morrison: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/bike-blog/2012/may/15/20mph-speed-limit