Breaking news: legislative proposal for a 30 km/h speed limit in Italy!
on Nov 3, 2013

Can you believe it? The Italian Parliament has received a package of legislative proposals for more sustainable mobility, with a 30 km/h default speed limit as central proposition. Other proposals are cycle lanes instead of parking space on the right side of the roads plus measures for an improved protection of pedestrians. The package has been delivered to the parliament by the Italian municipalities (Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani / ANCI) on 31st October.
The vice-minister for transport, Erasmo d´Angelis, has already commented on the proposal in today´s edition of the newspaper “La Republicca”, saying “We are not going to fight the cars, but we wish to empower alternative mobility modes.” The speed reduction is intended to reduce the number of deaths. The vice-minister pointed to the fact that cycling is very popular at the moment. An increasing number of Italians is under financial pressure due to high fuel prices and the financial crisis and tend to pass on their cars.
The new project makes it even more important to strive for an EU-wide default speed limit, especially for touristic countries like Italy. Millions of guests per year visit the country with their car, and so clear standards are needed where the communities can be sure that everybody is used to. This will lead to a much higher acceptance.
See the original ANCI press release
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