Who is behind this ECI?

Our network is still in the preparatory stage but there are already partners from 13 countries.

Though it began with only one single person…. It all started when Heike, one of the organisers, went to visit the European Parliament in Brussels, in 2011: The EP had just agreed with vast majority on its „Report on Road Safety“ – including a recommendation for 30 km/h as standard urban speed limit in the whole of the European Union. This was really inspiring! The idea stroke us to send another very strong signal from to the European Commission indicating that it´s high time to introduce such a European law. Let´s organise a “European Citizen´s Initiative!

Back in Germany, it took Heike just a few days to find a supporter: FUSS e.V. is an organisation active for a more sustainable mobility respecting the pedestrians´ needs.
A whole network of partner organisations has been formed since then, with interested groups in 13 countries of the European Union and beyond. Among them are very small groups as well as umbrella organisations, city networks, doctors´ organisations, bicycle lobbyists, urban planners, environmental organisations. The network is still growing. Some of them are listed below. (A complete list of supporting organisations will soon be on this website.)

– 20splentyforus / UK
– Ärztinnen und Ärzte für eine gesunde Umwelt (ÄGU) / Austria,
– Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub / Germany
– Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) / Friends of the Earth Germany
– Carsharing Association / Germany
– CIPRA Südtirol / Italy
– Climate Alliance Europe
– Conbici / Spain
– Ecocouncil / Danmark
– Ecologistas en Accion / Spain
– Europäische Gesellschaft für Entschleunigung EUGENT gUG /European Association for
– European Cyclists Federation
– Fédération Europèenne des Victims de la route
– Finnish Cycling Municipalities / Finland
– FUSS e.V. / Germany
– Greencity München / Germany
– Ökologischer Ärztebund / Germany
– Verkehrsclub Deutschland
– Verkehrsclub Österreich

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