
30 ways to get involved

Spread the word & stay informed

  • Subscribe to our newsletter & invite your friends to subscribe too.
  • Visit our Facebook accounts and like them & share them with your friends.
  • Follow @30kmh.eu on Twitter & share our tweets.


Show support

  • Order some of our stickers and fix them at your bike, your car, the door to your shop or house & and make a present to your friends. (sticker “sign now!”, sticker QR code with logo)
  • Include the 30 km/h logo on your Facebook picture.
  • Use our QR (Quick Response) with your smart phone. The code will save the URL of the www.30kmh.eu website to the device for mobile sharing. (See QR Code with logo here; see the plain QR Code here
  • Do you run a website or write a blog? Set a link to our website www.30kmh.eu .
  • Attend festivals, events, conferences and spread the word.
  • Make a donation.



Discuss the issue

  • Suggest the 30 km/h issue as a discussion topic with your local community group, society or club or run a session to explain what the European’s Citizen’s Initiative and the benefits of 30 km/h are.
  • You can also discuss the aspect of the ECI as fostering citizen participation and new democratic instrument.
  • Write an article in your local newspaper or on your blog, or write a letter to the editor of your favourite newspaper.
  • Or get in touch if you would like to organise an event for a representative of our team to speak at. Just write to info@30kmh.eu.


Write letters

  • Start a letter writing group; get your friends and family involved in writing letters to: your local politician, your national politician, your member of the European Parliament,
  • the EU commissioner for transport,
  • your President or Prime Minister,
  • your favourite celebrity.

Please keep us updated of who you have contacted. Just write to info@30kmh.eu


Organise a local event

  • Flashmob,
  • bicycle tour,
  • Workshops in schools and university,
  • Action in your main square,
  • a charity event for our campaign

For more, see our action ideas.


Special skills

  • What are your special skills? Can you write? Write poems and articles to be published!
  • Can you sing or play or dance? Do you like to make videos? Make a Youtube video with your interpretation of the issue!
  • Can you draw or paint? Make beautiful pictures and images for us to share!
  • Are you good at languages? Help us translate our information to reach as many people as possible

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