Privacy Policy and Transparency
In it’s function as one of the responsible bodies for the European citizens’ initiative as well as in it’s function as media proprietor and owner of this website EUGENT (European Association for Deceleration, Co-ordination office for the ECI “30kmh – making the streets liveable”, Griebenowstraße 22, D-10435 Berlin) is taking protection of personal data very seriously. We want you to know when and which data we are saving and how the data is being used. We have taken all technical and administrative measures to ensure that all legal requirements for data protection are met.
Your statement of support for the ECI
By signing the ECI you help us to place the demand for 30km/h (20 mph) as a EU-wide standard directly on the table of the European commission. The personal data for this signature will not be used for any other purpose and will not be changed. We store all online-signatures by using a multiple-secured safety software, which is certified by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). The printed signatures will also be stored separately and not be used for any other purpose than the ECI support. Thus, the best protection available for your personal data can be guaranteed.
As soon as the collection of statements of support is finished, we transmit all data to the national authorities to have them validated. By the end of one month after the transmission, we will destroy all electronic and written data. The national authorities may use your data only in connection with the validation of the ECI “30kmh – making the streets liveable”. After the validation process is finished, the national authorities must also destroy the personal data. Also see the Regulation (EU) Nr.211/2011 on the ECI.
Pre-Registration on and
By registering on our website you can set a sign of support for the ECI and we can keep you informed. As soon as the collection of signatures will start we can inform you. Your pre-registering on our website can not serve as a signature for the ECI itself!
Personal data consists of information on your person. This includes statements concerning your proper name, your e-mail address, your country of origin and the interaction with this website. All personal data you enter on our website is concerned to have been entered voluntarily. We use your personal data within the limits of the campaign and will not pass it on to third parties. ,In case legal obligations or obligations following a decision of a court we will submit your data to authorities entitled to receive information. You have the right to object to the use of your personal data at any time. You can contact us in written or electronic form and we will immediately block your data from being used. for this information service.
In accordance with the Regulation (EU) 211/2011 on the ECI, donators of more than 500 Euro per year will be published on the website or and the European Commission database under ‘sources of support and funding’ (see here).
Additionally, we want to name all those generous donors from 200 Euro on. However, should you make a donation between 200 and 500 Euro per year and profer to not be named please contact us.
Exclusion of liability for links on our website.
Our service contains links to external websites of third parties whose content we are not responsible for. Therefore we cannot guarantee for the content on the linked websites. Solely the respective providers can be held accountable for the content on the websites linked to our service. Websites linked to our service are checked for violations of the law upon installment of the links. There were no identifiable violations of the law at the time of the installment of the links. Without specific indications of violations of the law, continued monitoring of the linked sites is not reasonable. In case of evidence for violations of the law, the links in question will be removed at once.
Liability for content
Contents of our sites are subject to maximum care and attention. However, we cannot guarantee for the accuracy, completeness and immediacy of the content.
According to general laws, we are responsible for proper contents of these sites as a service provider. Following § 16 ECG, as a service provider we are neither required to control submitted data or external information nor to search for circumstances indicating unlawful actions. This does not affect general legal obligations to remove information or block it from being used. In this respect, liability only comes into place upon knowledge about specific infringements of the law. In case of evidence for violations of the law, this content will be removed at once.
Content and work on the present websites created by the owner of the website are subject to German copyright regulations. Duplication, editing, distribution and every use exceeding the limits of copyright regulations are subject to written agreement of the respective author or creator. In case of contents that have not been created by the operator of the website, copyrights of third parties are respected. In particular, contents made available by third parties will be marked as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of any copyright infringement, please tell us about it. In case of evidence for violations of the law, the content in question will be removed at once.