IT Italy TRENDSETTER cities for 30 km/h

Legislation allowing for traffic calming measures in 1989 (zona a traffico limitato). Legislation with 30 km/h
for all city centres except arterial roads currently under discussion. This proposal was made by the
association of Italian communities.

Arco       17200 residents 30 km/h in the whole municipality, the first “Ville à 30” in Italy
Bologna    384.200 residents city centre “zona a traffico limitato”
Ferrara    133.400 residents city centre “zona a traffico limitato”
Firenze    377.200 residents city centre “zona a traffico limitato”
Livorno    160.500 residents city centre “zona a traffico limitato”
Milano 1.324.200 residents 30 km/h in the city centre, since March 2015
Padua    209.700 residents city centre “zona a traffico limitato”
Pisa      88.600 residents city centre “zona a traffico limitato”
Roma 2.863.300 residents 30km/h and pedestrian zones in the city centre