
ES Spain TRENDSETTER cities for 30 km/h

New legislation for 30 km/h in the majority of Spanish cities. Implementation to be finalised.

Ansoáin 10100 residents 30 km/h on all roads since 2008; member of the network “Ciudades 30 km/h”
Barcelona 1.602.400 residents first introduction of 30 km/h zones in 1987; 300 km with 30 km/h in 2010; 46% of the roads are pedestrian zones
Irún 61.500 residents 30 km/h on the majority of the roads since 2013; member of the network “Ciudades 30 km/h”
Pontevedra 83.000 residents 30 km/h in the whole city since 2009, city received an award for safe Mobility from the Spanish Directorate General for Transport in 2011; was estimated to be among the 5 most safe cities worldwide in a study in 2014
Vitoria Gasteiz 242.100 residents A traffic calming campaign converted streets into “slow streets”, with speed limits of 20 and 30 km/h;